Penn Manor School District advocates appropriate educational experiences to meet the needs of all children. Students identified with exceptional intellectual and creative ability are provided with specially designed academic programs. These support services are not ordinarily covered in the regular education program.
This encourages a learning environment that will stimulate initiative, problem solving and creativity to help students gain a sense of responsibility to self, school, and a changing society. Gifted Individualized Education Plans include options for enrichment and acceleration.
High School:
At the high school level, the gifted population is offered a variety of enrichment opportunities. these include IU seminars, academic contests and competitions, local college presentations, Quiz Bowl, Model UN, mentoring for elementary and middle school pull outs, and summer programs that include PA Governors School of Excellence. the high school facilitator serves as an advocate and offers one on one meetings to discuss students’ strengths and needs, individual goals, scheduling ideas, college planning, career exploration and independent studies.
Middle School:
Opportunities that provide challenge and academic stimulation beyond the regular classroom are offered to middle school students who have been identified as gifted.
These opportunities may include pullout classes, clubs, contests, competitions, independent study and special activities such as conferences and field trips.
Academic teams and classroom teachers also encourage gifted students to select options within the regular classroom that extend learning to meet individual needs and interests.
Elementary School:
Penn Manor provides a pull out enrichment program for identified students every school cycle. During these sessions, students have opportunities to explore themes in depth, work on independent projects, practice higher level thinking skills, and discuss affective issues.
Other support services include provision of activities for use in the regular education program, acceleration in appropriate areas, extra curricular extension activities, and inclusion lessons on thinking skills for the regular classroom.