Student schedules are slated to be posted to the Sapphire Portal in the afternoon on Friday, July 29.
Schedule change days will be held on August 9-11. Students are encouraged to email their counselor any schedule change requests on these three days. Counselors will do their best to accommodate any change requests for academic reasons.
An in-person schedule change day is scheduled for Wednesday, August 10. Students are invited to stop by the high school office on August 10 to meet with a counselor to make any schedule adjustments.
As a reminder, the last day to adjust any AP courses has passed. Schedule change requests involving AP courses will not be honored.
We are excited to welcome all incoming 9th graders as well as all new students who are entering Penn Manor HS to our New Student Orientation program on Thursday, August 25th from 6:30PM-8:00PM. The evening will begin at 6:30PM in the auditorium and then students/families will be able to tour the building from 7:00-8:00PM.