Friday, May 19, 2023 Friday Flex

Seniors, the deadline to submit permission slips for the Senior Class Trip has been extended until 3pm on Tuesday May 23rd. Your signed form and $35 payment are both due at that time to Mrs. Ames in C235 or Mrs. Seiple in C338. This is a trip you won’t want to miss!

Attention athletes: Please check your email to sign up for the nutritionist session that will be occurring Thursday May 25th. You must sign up on the google form by May 22nd in order to attend. Any questions, please reach out to the Athletic department. Thank you

Seniors, please check your email and Google Classroom for information about the Senior Class Trip, Senior Picnic and Professional Prom Photos”I know there are limited/no announcements this week but this is the last week to collect permission forms and money for the trip!